
Recording and submitting CPD

It is important for dental professionals to keep their CPD records up to date and safe. Those registered with us need to submit a CPD statement every year when renewing their registration, keep a CPD record, and maintain a personal development plan (PDP).

Plan and record your CPD

Keep an active record of your plans and activities:

  • design your own learning and development using your PDP
  • use an activity log to record the CPD you complete
  • keep your certificates to verify your CPD.

These documents make up your CPD record. It must be retained for five years from the end of your five-year cycle. Remember to also reflect on the CPD you complete, and record reflections in your activity log.

We will not ask you to provide your personal written reflections if we need to investigate a concern raised about you. You may choose to offer them as evidence of insight into your practice. 

We may ask you to send us your CPD record. Please make sure these documents are up to date at the end of each year. You should only send in your CPD record if we ask you to do so.

When might we ask for your CPD record?

Your CPD record is yours. You’ll not be routinely asked to provide it. We normally only ask for a CPD record for:  

  • restoration to the register
  • failing to make a CPD statement
  • if you have not complied with CPD requirements
  • you have been randomly selected as part of a regular audit (see more on CPD audits below).  

Submit your CPD statement at annual renewal

To renew your GDC registration each year, you’ll need to:

  • Submit a compliant annual CPD statement if you are mid-cycle.
  • Make a compliant end of cycle CPD statement if you have just finished a five-year cycle.
  • Ensure you’ve completed at least 10 hours of verifiable CPD in the last two-year period (unless in the first year of your first cycle).

CPD statement deadlines for dentists are:

  • CPD year is 1 January to 31 December
  • make your CPD statement for that year by 28 January 
  • CPD done on or after 1 January is counted toward the following year.

CPD statement deadlines for dental care professionals (DCPs) (all titles):

  • CPD year is 1 August to 31 July
  • make your CPD statement for that year by 28 August
  • CPD done on or after 1 August is counted toward the following year.

You don’t have to do CPD every year, but you do have to make a CPD statement, and do at least 10 hours of CPD in every two-year period. If you’ve not completed any CPD during the year, record zero hours when you make your statement and make sure you do enough CPD in the following year to meet the minimum requirements.

You need to complete your CPD before the end of your cycle. If, as you approach the end of a cycle, you find that you're unable to complete your CPD and have good reason why you need more time, you can apply for a grace period, which may give you an additional 56 days.

Use eGDC to make your CPD statement

Make your CPD statement using eGDC. You can do this at any time during the year and make adjustments when needed, or you can wait for renewal to open (around six weeks before the year ends). When the CPD statement deadline has passed, you will not be able to amend your statement.

Your eGDC account will include personalised information on the number of CPD hours you’ll need to complete during your current cycle.

When you make your CPD statement you will be asked to confirm the following information, and you must complete this step to make a compliant CPD statement:  

  • the number of CPD hours completed during the year (you can record zero hours completed but must meet minimum requirements) 
  • you have read and understood the CPD requirements
  • the hours recorded have been undertaken during this CPD year
  • you have kept a CPD record (see above)
  • CPD undertaken was relevant to your field(s) of practice
  • information contained in your statement is full and accurate.

At the end of your CPD cycle, your statement needs to include:

  • the total number of CPD hours completed during your five-year cycle
  • confirmation that the CPD you completed was relevant to your field(s) of practice during your five-year cycle.

Problems accessing eGDC

If you need a reasonable adjustment to submit your CPD statement, please get in touch and we’ll assist you. 

If you’re unable to access your eGDC account, we will accept a written annual or end of cycle CPD statement. 

Ensure your CPD is verifiable

You’re responsible for obtaining the necessary evidence from CPD providers. Check that your CPD provider can give you the evidence you need for verifiable CPD before taking part.  

You need to obtain and retain evidence of the CPD you complete. This should be a certificate (or mapping document or email) from your CPD provider detailing the following:

  • CPD subject, learning content, aims, and objectives
  • anticipated GDC development outcome(s) delivered by the activity
  • date the CPD was done
  • total number of CPD hours
  • name of the person who participated in the CPD activity
  • confirmation that the CPD has been quality assured, including the name of the person or body responsible
  • confirmation the information is full and accurate.

CPD certificates provide you with the necessary evidence to demonstrate that you’ve participated in the CPD activity and that it satisfies the criteria required for verifiable CPD.

CPD providers can give this evidence in printed, handwritten or electronic form (e.g. via email), but we need to be satisfied that the evidence is accurate and authentic. We may ask you for additional information to confirm the CPD you have declared. If we’re not satisfied, we may refuse to accept it.   

If you can’t get a certificate from your CPD provider e.g. you completed a peer review, you may be able to use the verifiable CPD mapping document. Keep your completed document alongside a clear and detailed account of the CPD activity you completed.

You can find out more about the evidence you need to ensure your CPD can be verified in our CPD guidance.

What can be counted as CPD?

The following can be counted as CPD:

  • Learning done outside the UK, providing it meets our requirements and is verifiable. If recorded as points or credits, you’ll need evidence from the provider confirming the equivalent number of CPD hours. 
  • Your foundation or vocational training, but only once your CPD cycle has started, and only if it is verifiable.
  • Peer reviews if the activity is verifiable CPD.

You may need to use the verifiable CPD mapping document (see more above). 

You cannot count:

  • Delivering CPD to others because it involves using knowledge and skills that you already have. 
  • Tasks you undertake as part of your normal professional role.

CPD audits

We may carry out an audit at any time during your CPD cycle. If you’re selected for an audit, you’ll be asked to submit your CPD record for the completed part of your current cycle.

We may carry out an audit of your CPD record for up to five years after it is completed, so please ensure you retain it.