
Working Group Terms of Reference


The Dental Leadership Network Working Group was set up to:

  • help shape the agenda and content for Dental Leadership Network events
  • support in the planning of events, including securing panel members and speakers
  • help progress actions and commitments of the Dental Leadership Network members by leading by example and encouraging them to update on action taken
  • help shape the future direction of the network. 

Roles and responsibilities

Members’ roles and responsibilities include (and are not limited to) the following:

  • feedback on plans for Dental Leadership Network events via regular meetings and through correspondence
  • propose and discuss the programmes, themes and topics to cover at future Dental Leadership Network events
  • provide feedback for the programmes and agendas for future events
  • identify and reach out to potential speakers and panellists
  • discuss long term goals for the network and its future strategy
  • share insights from the sector regarding challenges and opportunities relevant for future Dental Leadership Network events
  • challenge network members to undertake visible actions for the benefit of patients and the public, dental professionals and the Dental Leadership Network
  • participate in additional smaller working groups
  • reflect on agreed actions from Dental Leadership Network events and take them forward (holding the network colleagues to account).


The membership shall be a minimum of five and a maximum of 12.

Initial membership is open to Dental Leadership Network attendees who have shown an interest in joining the working group, subject to the selection process specified below.

  • the working group should reflect the different types of stakeholders that attend the Dental Leadership Network
  • membership is open to individuals acting in their own and personal capacity or individuals representing a stakeholder organisation. If it is the latter, only one representative from an organisation can be a member of the working group. 

As well as being a member of the working group, the GDC will act as the Secretariat and Chair for the group.

Length of membership

Secretariat and Chair will be for a period of three years.

Working group members must be able to commit for at least one year (minimum).

Membership will be refreshed every two years. Members failing to attend three working group meetings consecutively will lose their membership.

Anyone wishing to join the working group must be:

  • a regular attendee of the Dental Leadership Network events
  • willing to take on the roles and responsibilities of the group
  • able to attend the working group meetings.

If there is interest from more people than the number of places available on the group, preference will be given to people who represent:

  • a stakeholder group that isn’t already represented on the working group
  • a stakeholder organisation that can demonstrate reach with dental professionals and stakeholders.

Any final decision on membership will sit with the Working Group Chair.

Meetings and reporting

The group will meet for a maximum of 60 minutes via MS Teams every six weeks.

The working group is formed on an iterative basis, always open to feedback, suggestions and improvements.

A minimum of five members (including the GDC) must be present for a meeting to proceed.

The secretariat will produce a meeting summary following each meeting, including agreed actions.

Each meeting agenda will be based around the four areas of purpose for the working group.