
After you have passed the ORE

When you pass the ORE you will be sent your Part 2 results by email. In your results email you will be directed to the online application form in eGDC in order to apply for full registration on the our dentists register. 

To help complete the form, please read our ORE dentists application advice sheet.

Our assessments team will be sent the names of the people who passed the ORE, so there is no need for you to contact them separately.

If you have changed your name since applying for the ORE and wish to be registered under your new name, you will have to send a certified copy of your name change document to the below address:

Examinations Team
General Dental Council 
1 Colmore Square 
Birmingham, B4 6AJ

Upon applying for registration, our assessments team will take over and you no longer need to communicate with the exams team.

Working in the UK

The Home Office has previously removed the categories of ‘employed dental practitioner’, 'employed dental assistant' and ‘vocational dental practitioner’ from the list of UK shortage occupations. However you may wish to seek appropriate immigration advice as to whether the new category (created in 2021) of 'health professionals not elsewhere classified' applies to your specific circumstances. 

You may also be asked to do up to a year’s Vocational Training (VT) in order to work for the NHS. This will be influenced by your qualifications and experience and will be at the discretion of the Primary Care Trust which employs you.