
Complying with conditions or undertakings

Your responsibilities

Our Case Review team will contact you if:

  • your registration has been suspended or made conditional
  • you have agreed undertakings with case examiners.

We will also contact your representative if you have one.

You are responsible for complying with any compliance order or completing any undertakings you have agreed with case examiners.

Any restrictions on registration are recorded on the Register.

Occasionally, information on the Register is marked ’private’. Material marked private is non-disclosable except to the dental professional concerned. This is because it relates to their mental or physical health or matters relating to their private and family life.

Find out more about disclosures and publication.

You will find organisations providing dental practitioner advice and support services on our list of useful organisations, standards and guidelines for the dental team.

Monitoring compliance

The Case Review team will monitor your compliance with any order or undertakings. They will contact you with details of the requirements, including key dates. 

The Case Review team does not interpret, and cannot vary or amend, conditions or undertakings. Conditions are imposed and reviewed by panels, and undertakings are agreed and reviewed by case examiners. 

Contact us if you have any queries.

We will notify the lawyer dealing with your case of any breaches of your compliance order. An early review of your case may be requested in these circumstances. We will also notify case examiners if you do not comply with any agreed undertakings. Case examiners may review your case and either vary the undertakings or refer to a practice committee at the Dental Professionals Hearings Service.

If your compliance order is subject to a review, you will receive a notice of hearing detailing the arrangements and when your next review hearing is due.

Tell us if your contact details change

You must tell us if your contact details change, including your address. We need to contact you to monitor compliance and any hearing notices must be sent to your registered address.

Approval of roles

If you have conditions or have agreed undertakings, we must approve anyone nominated for the following roles:

  • workplace supervisor (clinical)
  • medical supervisor (health)
  • reporter.

We provide further guidance on the approval of these roles.

Suspensions or conditions

Interim orders

If you are subject to an interim order, we will continue to be in contact with you about the ongoing investigation or your referral to case examiners or the Dental Professionals Hearings Service.

We will liaise with you about your interim order conditions or suspension. Interim orders will be reviewed by the Interim Orders Committee every six months, or earlier in some specific circumstances.

Immediate orders

You will need to comply with the conditions set out in an immediate order as soon as it has been served on you. This will be the date of the hearing if you were present or represented, or two working days after the date that the determination was sent to you.

If you cannot comply with a condition, contact us as soon as possible to discuss. Only a panel can vary any conditions on your registration, so an early review hearing may be necessary.

Conditions on registration

We will send you a form to complete that confirms you are aware that your registration is subject to conditions and you agree to comply with them. You should sign, date and return this form within 14 days.

You must make arrangements to comply with any conditions on registration before going back to work.

If a practice committee varies conditions at a review, the variation will not become effective until the appeal period of 28 days has passed. You may need to make arrangements accordingly. 


You must not practise dentistry if you have been suspended.

You cannot profit from dentistry unless your suspension is solely on the grounds of health, as determined by a practice committee.

If the determination in your case includes recommendations, you should send evidence of your compliance to the Case Review team.


If your case relates to your health, we will send you an agreement form to complete, sign and return to us.

Our Legal team will make arrangements for any expert reports or chemical testing required for a review. You will need to plan for all other reports or testing, as directed by the order and advised by your representative.

You will have to pay for any testing during the course of your order unless the panel has stated otherwise. We will pay for any testing carried out at the end of the order for the purpose of review.

Undertakings agreed with case examiners

If you have agreed undertakings with case examiners, your continued registration depends on your compliance. You must make arrangements to comply with undertakings before going back to work.

Case examiners usually invite dental professionals to agree to standardised undertakings, but can also agree bespoke undertakings tailored to needs and specific circumstances.

Contact us as soon as possible if you cannot comply with an undertaking. Only case examiners can vary undertakings, so an early review may be necessary.

Find more information about professionals who are subject to conditions or have agreed undertakings.

Voluntary removal

You can apply to have your name removed from the Register if you do not intend to practise dentistry in the future.

Find out more about voluntary removal from the Register.

Useful references

If you have conditions on your registration or you have agreed undertakings with case examiners, you may find the following useful:

If you are not represented, you may find the Dental Professionals Hearing Service's guide for dental professionals useful.

Contact your representative (if you have one) or the Case Review team if you have any further questions.