Useful organisations, standards and guidelines for the dental team
As the regulator, we need to be impartial in the information we provide on our standards and guidance. That means we are unable to offer advice on individual circumstances and situations. You should seek advice from your indemnity provider, professional association or peers on interpreting our standards and guidance.
Below you will find links to organisations, standards and guidelines that you may find useful.
Find details of organisations that provide health and wellbeing support.
Dental associations, organisations and committees
Dental practitioner advice and support services
Dental Mentors UK
Phone: 07500 017845 or 07814 830080
NHS Resolution
(for NHS employees or those who deliver NHS contracts)
Practitioner Performance Advice
Find your Local Dental Committee.
Find out more about complying with any restrictions or conditions on your registration, or completing undertakings you have agreed with case examiners.
Equality, diversity and inclusion organisations
Healthcare systems regulators
Health, safety and wellbeing at work
BDA Benevolent Fund (financial and emotional needs)
Bloodborne viruses (BBVs) in healthcare workers (UK Health Security Agency)
Clear sexual boundaries (Professional Standards Authority)
Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations (IRMER) 2017: guidance
NHS Practitioner Health (primary care mental health and addiction service)
Quality Standards: Primary dental care equipment list (Resuscitation Council UK)
Safe use of x-ray equipment (College of General Dentistry)
Support for those facing a fitness to practise investigation (GDC webpage)
Trading Standards | Find your local trading standards office
UK Health Security Agency (infectious diseases and environmental hazards)
Professional bodies by field of practice
Association of Dental Implantology
British Association for the Study of Community Dentistry
British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
British Association of Oral Surgeons
British and Irish Society for Oral Medicine
British Society for Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology
British Society for Restorative Dentistry
British Society of Dental Maxillofacial Radiology
Professional bodies by title
Prescribing, dispensing and administration of medicines
Antimicrobial prescribing in dentistry (College of General Dentistry)
Botulinum toxin and cosmetic fillers for under 18s: guidance for business (applies to England)
Dental Prescribing Guidance (HSC Business Services Organisation) (Northern Ireland)
Drug prescribing for dentistry (NHS Education for Scotland) (SDCEP)
Public health agencies
Find your local health protection team | GOV.UK
Office for Health Improvement and Disparities
Public Health Agency (Northern Ireland)
Public Health and Prevention | Local Government Association
You will find the local public health team at your local authority in England.
Record keeping
Regulators and ombudsmen
Safeguarding vulnerable patients
Sources of clinical standards and guidelines
Avoidance of Doubt: provision of phased treatments (NHS England)
British Society of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry | Clinical guidelines
Chief Dental Officer, NHS England | Clinical dental policies
Clinical examination and record-keeping (College of General Dentistry)
College of General Dentistry | Standards and guidance
Decontamination in primary care dental practices (NHS England HTM 01-05)
Decontamination in primary care dental practices and community dental Services (Welsh HTM 01-05)
Delivering better oral health: an evidence-based toolkit for prevention
Dementia-friendly dentistry (College of General Dentistry)
Dental mythbusters and tips for dentists (Care Quality Commission)
Dentists: information for providers (Care Quality Commission)
Department of Health (Northern Ireland) | Professional Dental Guidance
European Society of Endodontology | Resources for clinicians
Instrument decontamination guidance (NHS Education for Scotland) (SDCEP)
National Safety Standards for Invasive Procedures (NatSSIPs) (NHS England)
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) | Oral and dental health
NHS Scotland | Dental team guidelines
NICE guidelines | Shared decision making
Quality Standards: Primary dental care (Resuscitation Council UK)
Quality Standards: Primary dental care equipment list (Resuscitation Council UK)
Royal College of Surgeons of England | Clinical guidelines
Scottish Dental Clinical Effectiveness Programme | Published guidance
Selection criteria for dental radiography (College of General Dentistry)
Standards in dentistry (College of General Dentistry)
Welsh Government |Oral and dental health | Guidance and services