
What we do

The General Dental Council (GDC) is the UK-wide statutory regulator of more than 120,000 members of the dental team.

Our primary purpose is to protect patient safety and maintain public confidence in the dental professions. To achieve this, we register qualified dental professionals, set standards for the dental team, investigate complaints about dental professionals' fitness to practise, and work to ensure the quality of dental education.

Our Corporate Strategy 2024-2026
Dentist with patient
The registers

The registers

We maintain an online list of registered dental professionals.

More about the registers
Illegal practice

Illegal practice

It is illegal for anyone to practise dentistry unless they're registered with us.

More about illegal practice
Fitness to practise

Fitness to practise

We investigate serious concerns about dental professionals who pose a risk to patients.

More about Fitness to practise


We carry out a range of research and consultations.

Read our research


Current consultations, and outcomes of previous consultations.

More about consultations and responses

Working with professionals

We work with practising dental professionals across many areas of our work.

How we work with dental professionals

Easy read publications

Easy read guides with useful information for anyone who finds reading hard.

More about easy read publications

Dental Leadership Network

A network of industry leaders, policy makers and educators in dentistry.

More about Dental Leadership Network