
Information for patients and the public

In this section of the website you can find out about how to make a complaint, tooth whitening, going abroad for dental treatment, dental charges, and the standard of care you should expect from your dental professional.

How to make a complaint Tooth whitening
Illustration of dentist examining a patient
How to make a complaint

How to make a complaint

If you’ve had dental care, services or treatment and want to make a complaint or ask for a refund, read our step-by-step guide.

How to make a complaint
Dental charges

Dental charges

The majority of patients will pay something towards their dental treatment, whether it's private or NHS.

More about dental charges
Tooth whitening

Tooth whitening

Tooth whitening is a dental treatment that should only be undertaken following a proper assessment by a registered dentist.

More about tooth whitening

Going abroad for dental treatment

If you're considering travelling abroad for dental treatment, be aware of the risks and what's involved.

More about dental treatment abroad

What you can expect from your dental professional

Information on what to do if your expectations are not met and what action we take to protect you.

More about standards of care

Aligners or braces sent directly to your home

Information to help you make decisions about whether direct-to-your home aligners or braces are right and safe for you.

Direct-to-your-home aligners or braces