
Policy statement on restorative dentistry and the specialties of endodontics, prosthodontics and periodontics


The restorative dentistry Specialist Advisory Committee has submitted a new curriculum to the GDC for specialist training in restorative dentistry. This was approved by the GDC Education Committee on 23 April 2009. 

That submission highlighted the current situation where completion of a 5-year programme means individuals are eligible to be listed on the specialist lists in restorative dentistry, endodontics, prosthodontics and periodontics. It had been suggested that this approach was no longer appropriate because the experience and training required to meet the outcomes of the restorative dentistry curriculum could not meet the outcomes required for specialist listing in all four specialties. It was therefore recommended that entry onto the specialist lists in endodontics, prosthodontics and periodontics should only be available to individuals who can show that they have met the outcomes required for specialist listing in those specialties.

GDC position

The Education Committee agreed that, once the new curriculum was in place, dentists undertaking training under the new restorative dentistry curriculum would not be allowed entry onto the endodontics, prosthodontics and periodontics lists unless they could show they met the requirements for entry onto that list. This decision would not apply retrospectively, so those who have undertaken training under the previous curriculum would be able to retain their names on the lists concerned, subject to paying the relevant fee.

Application to future specialist training

Trainees undertaking the restorative dentistry curriculum approved on 23 April 2009 will no longer be entitled to be entered onto the specialist lists of endodontics, prosthodontics and periodontics unless they can also show that they meet the requirements for entry onto those lists. 

These requirements are specified in the curricula for endodontics, prosthodontics and periodontics, which were approved by the GDC in 2009.