Consultations and responses
On this page you can find details of any consultations that we are currently running, consultation outcomes and closed consultations from previous years.
You can read GDC responses to consultations by others here.
Open consultations
Consultation outcomes
Specialist List Assessed Applications routes: Outcome report
We have also published revised application forms, guidance for assessors, coinciding with the updated regulations, which are effective from 1 January 2025.
Guidance on reporting matters to the GDC: Consultation outcome report
We have published the outcome report of our consultation on the Guidance on Reporting Matters to the GDC.
We have also published the guidance, which is effective from 1 February 2025.
Thank you to all who responded to our consultation. We received much valuable feedback and suggestions for improvements, all of which has helped shape the finalised revised guidance.
Format of hearings: Consultation outcome report
Revisions to the Guidance on Indemnity and Insurance: Consultation outcome report
We have published the outcome report to our consultation on updating the Guidance on Indemnity and Insurance.
We have also published the updated guidance, which is effective from 12 February 2024.
Thank you to all who responded to our consultation. We received much valuable feedback and suggestions for improvements, all of which has helped shape the finalised revised guidance.
Routes to registration for internationally qualified dentists and dental care professionals: Consultation outcome report
Revisions to Guidance for the Interim Orders Committee and supporting documents: Consultation outcome report
Safe practitioner: Consultation outcome report
Our strategic plan for the next three years: Consultation outcome report
Preliminary Meeting Guidance: Consultation outcome report
Shaping the direction of lifelong learning for dental professionals
Thank you to all who provided us their views and insights.
Changes to the timescales for the Rule 4 process: Consultation outcome report
Principles of Specialist listings: Consultation outcome report
GDC corporate strategy 2020–2022: Consultation outcome report
In May 2019, the General Dental Council (GDC) published a consultation on its proposed strategy for 2020-2022. The strategy described the organisation’s vision, values and strategic aims, and provided high-level information on the expenditure plans to support the achievement of those aims over the period.
Consulting on the new strategy marks a change in approach for the GDC. This new approach is set out in the GDC’s fee setting policy, which was consulted on in 2018, and came into effect from January 2019. It explains that we will consult every three years on the high-level objectives and associated expenditure plans that will underpin the annual retention fee (ARF).
The draft strategy set out five strategic aims, which were developed to describe the GDC’s priorities within its statutory remit. In order to deliver the necessary outcomes, the strategy also identified objectives designed to support the achievement of those aims.
The consultation, which opened on 8 May 2019 and closed on 30 July 2019, invited views on the objectives we had identified to support the achievement of the strategic aims, as well as the expenditure plans associated with them.
GDC corporate strategy 2020–2022: Consultation outcome report
Education processes: Consultation outcome report
Clear and certain: A new framework for fee-setting: Consultation outcome report
Closed consultations
Consultation on revisions to the guidance and conditions bank for practice committees
Practice committees are made up of independent panellists and are administered by the Dental Professionals Hearings Service. They include the:
- Professional Conduct Committee.
- Professional Practice Committee.
- Health Committee.
Practice committees make decisions about whether a dental professional’s fitness to practise is currently impaired. Where there is a finding of impairment, independent panellists will also decide on any action needed to protect the public.
We opened a consultation on revisions to the guidance and conditions bank for practice committees on 3 September 2024. We proposed updates to these documents to reflect latest research findings and developments in case law.
Consultation on revisions to the guidance and conditions bank for practice committees
This consultation is now closed.
Consultation on the format of hearings
The Format of hearings consultation proposed that all hearings were held remotely with an option to request an in-person hearing. The consultation opened on 23 November 2023 and closed on 15 February 2024.
Consultation on the format of hearings
This consultation is now closed.
Consultation on the review of the Standards for Education
Start date
End date
6/2/2025 (23.59)
We are reviewing the Standards for Education which set out the requirements expected of all pre-registration programmes that lead to registration with the GDC.
These Standards are the framework of our quality assurance processes.
This review will include changing the structure, simplifying the requirements, and adding new areas that are relevant to dental education and training. This consultation asks for views on our proposals to this change.
The Standards were first published in 2012 and have not been revised since 2015. After conducting an initial information gathering exercise, we concluded that there were several changes we needed to make for the Standards for Education to remain relevant and up to date against all impactful developments that happened in dentistry and the wider healthcare ecosystem over the last decade.
Following the initial internal scoping, we engaged with several stakeholders to attain their views on our findings. We received feedback that we needed to simplify the standards, to tailor them to the different professions, and to step away from an outdated and dentist-centric approach, as well as to introduce new areas for quality assurance. There will be one set of standards and requirements, and we will make it clear to providers which ones are relevant to them and include examples of evidence that they can use in support. This consultation focuses on the full list of standards and requirements and the breakdown by professional group. The accompanying evidence is outside of this consultation and will be drawn together in conjunction with the relevant stakeholders.
The review of the Standards follows the recently completed development of the new Safe Practitioner Framework, setting expectations for pre-registration training and education in the UK. It was published in November 2023, and we are currently working with education providers on its implementation.
We invite everyone with an interest in dental education, training, quality assurance and regulation to share their views.
Consultation on the review of the Standards for Education
Read our Equality Impact Assessment for the proposed changes of the Standards for Education and potential impacts of their review.
This consultation is now closed.
Consultation on routes to registration for internationally qualified dentists and dental care professionals
We invited comments on routes to registration for internationally qualified dental professionals. We proposed new rules setting out the standards and processes for the assessment of international dental qualifications which were broadly in line with the current arrangements. We also invited evidence on how to assess the skills, knowledge, and experience of international applicants to the registers in future.
This consultation is now closed.
Consultation on amending the routes for assessed applications as set out in the GDC’s Specialist List Regulations
Start date
4 July 2024
End date
12 September 2024
The GDC is consulting on the ways registered dentists can gain entry on to the GDC’s specialist lists. In order to put these changes into effect, the GDC would need to make changes to the General Dental Council Specialist List Regulations 2008. The principal changes we propose are:
• For Oral Surgery and Orthodontics, to add an additional route to allow applications to be considered which are based on specialist qualifications gained in the UK, but where the applicant is not eligible to receive a Certificate of Completion of Specialist Training (CCST);
• For the remaining 11 specialties, to replace the current routes for Specialist Listing applications for those who have not completed a CCST with a primary route which encompasses assessed applications;
• For all specialties, to add an additional route to incorporate requirements derived from the Recognition of Professional Qualifications and Implementation of International Recognition Agreements (Amendment) Regulations 2023.
Read more about the draft revised regulations. We have explained the changes and asked questions about them in section three.
Consultation period and deadline for responses
This 10-week consultation exercise opened on 4 July 2024.
It will close at 23.59 on 12 September 2024.
We will be unable to consider responses submitted after that deadline.
Ways to respond
Please respond to this discussion document by using the online survey.
You can also submit your response by email; please include the name of the consultation in the subject line of your email to:
For details of how your data will be processed and stored, please see our privacy notice. Information held by the GDC is subject to Freedom of Information requests, so please do not provide any information you would not want to be disclosed.
Response to your views
The GDC will respond to views raised during the consultation by producing a consultation outcome report. The report will be published on the GDC website.
Contact us
If you have any questions or queries about this consultation, please email:
Phone: 020 7167 6330
Consultation on the guidance on reporting matters to the GDC
Start date
End date
The changes we propose in this consultation are part of a wider ambition to promote professional behaviours, skills, and attributes across dentistry. We continue to take steps to maintain and improve patient safety by moving dental regulation towards preventing harm rather than responding to the consequences of it. A key part of this move is to foster a system that supports and encourages professionalism and decision making that is centred on the best interests of patients.
Consultation on updating GDC’s guidance on indemnity and insurance
Start date
End date
The General Dental Council (GDC) is proposing changes to its guidance on indemnity and insurance to ensure it is up-to-date and better supports dental professionals to understand and meet their legal and regulatory obligations, in the interest of patients and maintaining public confidence in the profession.
The proposed changes explain the different types of cover available and highlight the additional benefits that dental professionals should consider when arranging cover, such as advice and support for their wellbeing during a claim.
We invite all interested and affected parties to share their thoughts and views on our proposed updates by 20 June when the consultation closes.
Please access the consultation paper online where you can save your responses to our questions and submit it when you are ready (but before the deadline).
If you prefer, you can also download a copy of the consultation paper
and submit your responses via email
or through the post to: The GDC, 37 Wimpole Street, London, W1G 8DQ
Read the proposed new Guidance on professional indemnity and insurance.
If you have any questions about this consultation, please email us.
Consultation on a revised Scope of Practice guidance
Start Date
End Date
- Centred on protecting patients – protects patients by guiding dental professionals to practise safely within clear boundaries of their role.
- Supportive and guiding – supports and guides professional decision-making.
- Enabling – enables the dental team and individuals to work to their full potential in a variety of different settings.
- Flexible – sets role boundaries while also adaptive to the ever-changing environment of dentistry.
- Futureproof – supports the delivery of dentistry of the future.
Consultation on revisions to Guidance for the Interim Orders Committee and the Interim Orders Committee Conditions Bank
Start date
10 November 2022
End date
2 February 2023
We sought views on revisions to guidance for the Interim Orders Committee and associated documents (see below). We proposed updates that promote patient safety and public confidence, while ensuring decisions are fair and proportionate. The results of this consultation are provided in the outcome report.
Consultation documents
We sought views on the following draft documents (consultation closed, unpublished):
- Guidance for the Interim Orders Committee
- Conditions Bank for the Interim Orders Committee
- Glossary of Terms
- Equality Impact Assessment
This consultation is closed.
The Safe Practitioner: A framework of behaviours and outcomes for dental professional education
Start date
18 October 2022
End date
10 January 2023
The GDC has a general concern to promote high standards of education, in all aspects of dentistry, and a statutory role in assuring the standard of pre-registration education and training. Our expectations for pre-registration training of dental professionals are articulated as learning outcomes in
Preparing for Practice, which was last updated in 2015. In the past several years, there have been significant shifts in society and in dentistry, which need to be considered to ensure people joining our register continue to have the right skills, knowledge and behaviours.
We have reviewed the current learning outcomes and are proposing the following:
1. Moving away from the terms ‘safe beginner’ and ‘independent practitioner’ to the term ‘safe practitioner’ to describe newly UK qualified dental professionals
• the resulting proposed Safe Practitioner Framework
This consultation is now closed.
Please find the frameworks which detail the learning outcomes and behaviours for each professional discipline below:
Corporate Strategy 2023 - 2025
Our strategic plan for the next three years: your views
Start date
End date
We’ve set out our proposed plans for public protection for the next three years at a time of considerable uncertainty for UK dentistry. We want to focus on delivery of our core functions while making system improvements where we can, recognising that the timetable for reform is far from clear or certain.
We’d now like to hear your views on our strategic plans for the next three years.
Our plan provides a framework for managing the uncertainty we face, while furthering our ambition for a flexible and responsive regulatory framework that:
- maintains dental education and training standards
- supports the registration of those who meet our standards
- provides public protection if a dental professional falls short of expectations.
Our priority is to keep building effective prevention strategies and operating a proportionate system for resolving concerns to further our ambition to shift the balance from enforcement to prevention. We plan to embed new principles of professionalism, giving professionals the space to exercise their judgement, and to focus our investigations on issues that provoke concerns for public safety or confidence.
Our regulatory framework has not been fundamentally updated for four decades and its weakness is becoming increasingly apparent. Changes to the system for international registration will be prioritised when the legislation has been agreed but even then, the changes will take time to implement. We’ll work to ensure we are well prepared for the opportunity to modernise our framework, and will continue to press government to bring forward much needed reforms.
Legislative change will help but is still some way off. And there are other important issues for dentistry, including widening health inequalities and access to NHS dental services. Some issues are beyond our remit, but we can make an important contribution:
- by sharing intelligence and insights
- engaging stakeholders
- working with the right parts of the sector to address risks.
Some of the issues facing dentistry have been exposed or exacerbated by COVID-19. So our plans include considering relevant consequences of the pandemic, such as supporting those whose education and training has been disrupted, increasing capacity for investigations and adapting regulation to address emerging public safety or confidence concerns.
As the UK regulator for dental professionals our plans affect regulated professionals working in the sector, people thinking about a career in dentistry, and the public who rely on safe and trusted dental and oral health services. Our work is primarily funded through fees paid by dental professionals and forecasts for budgets and fees are included in our strategic plans issued for consultation.
We expect a modest increase in fees from the levels set in 2019. Estimated fees have been articulated at levels that are fair and that ensure we are a financially sustainable regulator. Inflationary risks are affecting everyone in the UK and our expenditure plans have been formulated with this in mind. We have also set out how we plan to manage risks from high and volatile inflation during the planning period.
Our consultation provides dental professionals and other stakeholders with an opportunity to help shape our strategic and expenditure plans for the next three years. We invite all those with an interest in how dental professionals are regulated to share their views.
This consultation is now closed.
Revisions to the GDC’s Preliminary Meeting Guidance
Start date
27 January 2021
End date
21 February 2021
A consultation on proposed updates to GDC Guidance on the constitution and conduct of Preliminary Meetings, convened as part of the Fitness to Practise process. Changes to the Guidance will affect those involved in our Fitness to Practise processes, particularly in cases where the investigation has resulted in a referral to a substantive hearing.
The key changes from the previously issued guidance include:
- greater detail to assist parties in their approach to attending a Preliminary Meeting
- inclusion of matters relating to consideration of the format of hearings (remote or in person)
- matters relating to evidence, special measures, disclosure of material, and admissibility of hearsay evidence.
We have also proposed adjustments to help ensure Preliminary Meetings and, any directions given, are able to narrow or refine issues ahead of a hearing taking place. The current need to hold all or most hearings activity (including Preliminary Meetings) remotely has also prompted an update of this guidance. The changes should ensure that all parties have clear guidance on the issues that might arise and the types of information that may assist resolution of matters at a Preliminary Meeting.
Shaping the direction of lifelong learning for dental professionals
Start date
11 July 2019
End date
3 October 2019
This discussion document presents ideas for the future development of lifelong learning and builds on previously published proposals included in Shifting the balance. The ideas for discussion draw on our Review of the literature on CPD, January 2019, and engagement with a wide range of stakeholders, at two workshops, held in April 2019.
Can you help shape the direction of lifelong learning for dental professionals?
We have opened a conversation about how dental professionals can take increasing ownership of meeting and maintaining high professional standards and quality patient care. This discussion document invites ideas, comments and views on the future development of lifelong learning, or continuing professional development, in dentistry.
The aim is to ensure that lifelong learning in dentistry continues to evolve to meet the expectations of the public, patients and dental professionals, in a way that is proportionate to risk, and flexible on how professionals go about reaching their development goals.
The discussion document is presented in three parts:
- Part 1: A future model for lifelong learning
- Part 2: CPD practices
- Part 3: Informing CPD choices.
This consultation is now closed.
The deadline for responses is 3 October. Please provide your response using the online survey. You do not need to complete the survey all at once, to save and complete at another time, please select the 'finish later' option and follow the instructions.
Changes to the timescales for the Rule 4 process
Start Date
End Date
A consultation on a proposed pilot of changes to timescales for the Rule 4 process, part of the overall Fitness to Practise process, which include providing registrants and their representatives, under certain circumstances, the opportunity to request to extend the period for the preparation of their observations at the Rule 4 stage, to ensure the best possible evidence can be provided.
This consultation is now closed.
You can read the proposed corporate strategy by downloading the PDF from this page.
Please respond to this consultation using the online survey.
Corporate Strategy 2020-2022: Working with the dental team for public safety and confidence
Start Date
End Date
- To operate a regulatory system which protects patients and is fair to registrants, while being cost-effective and proportionate; which begins with education, supports career-long learning, promotes high standards of care and professional conduct and is developed in the light of emerging evidence and experience.
- To work with the professions and our partners to ensure that patients and the public are able to raise concerns with the agency best placed to resolve them effectively and without unnecessary delay.
- To use evidence, research and evaluation, to develop, deliver and embed a cost-effective and right-touch model for enforcement action.
- To maintain and develop the regulatory framework.
- To continue to develop an outcome-focused, high-performing and sustainable organisation.
Outcome report
This consultation has now closed.
You will find a summary of views and our responses in the Corporate Strategy 2020-2022 Outcome Report.
GDC Corporate Strategy 2020-2022
Clear and certain: A new framework for fee-setting
Start Date
End Date
Supporting certainty for registrants and the workability of the regulatory framework: we need to make sure that decisions on the allocation of costs do not lead to undesirable outcomes in the form of unacceptably high or variable costs for some groups of registrants. For example, in determining whether cross subsidy is necessary or desirable we will need to consider the impact on the volatility of fee levels (i.e. how much small changes in workload would cause the fee to change). This is likely to be of particular relevance to small registrant groups, where distribution of costs among small numbers of registrants has the potential to give rise to significant levels of volatility (and therefore uncertainty) and/or prohibitively high fees.
Consultation on Interim orders guidance for the Interim Orders Committee (IOC)
Start Date
End Date
- it is necessary for public protection
- it is in the wider public interest
- it is in the interests of the dental professional
- the test that will be applied to determine whether to impose and interim order
- factors the IOC should consider in deciding whether to apply interim suspension or interim conditions of practice
- the length of time an order will be imposed
- the type of information that should be provided about the IOC’s decisions in a particular case
We welcomed the valuable input and views of patients, professionals and our partners regarding the new Guidance.
Interim orders guidance for decision makers - Interim Orders Committee
Consultation on the General Dental Council's Fitness to Practise: Case observations process
Start Date
End Date
We are consulting on a proposed change to our fitness to practise operations. The change is minor in nature, and concerns the process by which we invite registrants to respond to fitness to practise allegations made against them.
Consultation Response - Fitness to Practise: Case observations process
Consultation on the General Dental Council's Standards for Speciality Education
Start Date
End Date
This consultation proposes changes to the standards used to quality assure education providers of speciality training.
Consultation on the General Dental Council's Standards for Speciality Education
Consultation on the General Dental Council's education processes
Start Date
End Date
We are proposing changes to the way we quality assure education and training leading to registration for dental professionals. We are seeking to use our resources more efficiently, supporting education and training providers to drive improvements in dental education.
Consultation on the General Dental Council's education processes
Consultation on the principles of specialist listing
Start Date
End Date
This consultation invites comment on fundamental issues related to the system of specialist listing:
- revised purposes for specialist listing, setting out what the GDC expects listed specialties to fulfil, and criteria by which the GDC will determine which disciplines of dentistry should be listed
- principles for the addition and removal of specialist lists
- processes for maintaining accreditation on specialist lists.
If adopted by the GDC, following consultation, the revised principles and criteria would form the basis for the GDC to make policy decisions on specialist listing in the future.
This consultation is now closed.
Removal of registrants’ full addresses from the online register
Start Date
End Date
Following the Council’s decision to remove registrants’ full addresses from our public register, the GDC conducted a consultation on this decision and the information which should be available on the public register of dental professionals.
Consequently, the current Council has revisited arguments both for and against the publication of registrants’ full addresses. It concluded that, while the GDC should still require registrants to provide an address they can be contacted on, the risk to registrants posed by publishing this address outweighed the marginal additional public protection benefits of doing so.