Guidance for assessed applications
This guidance aims to provide useful information to prospective candidates on the routes through which applications can be submitted for consideration for assessment for the Specialist Lists.
I want to apply to the Orthodontic or Oral Surgery Specialist List
The Orthodontic Specialty and the Oral Surgery Specialty are recognised by the European Primary and Specialist Dental Qualifications Regulations 1998, and therefore have a different set of routes to the other specialties recognised by the GDC (Specialist List) Regulations 2024.
An individual may apply via one of these routes if they:
- EEA Oral Surgery or orthodontics qualification
are a dentist with a relevant specialist qualification awarded by certain institutions in EEA Member States or Switzerland as set out in Annex 1. - Oral Surgery or Orthodontics qualification outside UK
hold a post-graduate Oral Surgery or Orthodontics qualification awarded outside the UK and satisfies the Council that those qualifications are equivalent to those required for the award of a CCST in the specialty in question. - Knowledge and experience derived from academic or research work
can demonstrate that they have knowledge of, and experience in, Orthodontics or oral surgery derived from academic or research work, and satisfies the Council that that knowledge and experience is equivalent to that which the dentist might reasonably be expected to have acquired if they had undertaken the training required for the award of a CCST in that specialty. - GMC-registered Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon
are registered as a specialist on the General Medical Council’s Register for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and has completed training equivalent to that required for the award of a CCST in Oral Surgery. - Specialist UK Qualification
hold a specialist qualification or qualifications in Oral Surgery or Orthodontics awarded in the UK and has relevant knowledge, skill and experience in the specialty in question and satisfies the Council that they have gained a level of skills, knowledge and expertise that is equivalent to the level that they might reasonably be expected to have attained if they had a CCST in that specialty (demonstrating equivalence to CCST in Oral Surgery or Orthodontics).
The Specialist UK Qualification and the Oral Surgery and Orthodontics Speciality qualifications outside the UK are both assessment routes. The Specialist UK qualification route has been added by the GDC (Specialist List) Regulations 2024 to provide a clear route for UK applicants. These routes are intended to provide access to the specialist lists for those who do not hold a CCST or cannot access the specialist lists in any other way.
I want to apply to one of the other specialties
The 11 specialties that are recognised in the GDC (Specialist List) Regulations 2024 have a single general assessment route for all applicants who have not completed a CCST or are from a country included in the Professional Qualifications and International Agreements Regulations.
The General Dental Council (Specialist List) Regulations 2024 provide for an individual to be entered on a specialist list if they hold a specialist qualification or qualifications and has relevant knowledge and skill and experience in the specialty in question and satisfies the Council that they have gained a level of expertise equivalent to the level of expertise they might reasonably be expected to have attained if they had a CCST in that specialty.
If you have knowledge, skill and experience in a particular specialty and consider that you do meet the requirements of the Regulations, you are able to apply to the GDC for entry onto that specialist list. Your application and supporting evidence will be assessed by the GDC's assessment team, who will seek expert advice and recommendations as to your eligibility from a specialist assessment panel as appropriate.
For any enquiries, please get in touch.
How do I know if I should apply for entry on to a specialist list based on my knowledge, skill and experience?
The option to apply based on knowledge, skill and experience is intended to provide access to the specialist lists for those who do not hold a CCST or cannot access the specialist lists in any other way.
For Orthodontics and Oral Surgery, there is no requirement in the relevant European legislation for candidates to have completed a specific specialist training program or qualification. This route assesses whether an applicant has acquired knowledge and experience in the relevant specialty through academic or research work that is equivalent to that which they might reasonably be expected to have acquired had they undertaken the training required for an award of a CCST in that specialty.
You can also apply for assessment if you have a UK qualification in Orthodontics or Oral Surgery and are able to demonstrate that your knowledge, skill and experience is equivalent to that which may be expected if you had trained via a CCST.
For all other specialties, it is essential to hold a specialist qualification and be able to demonstrate how their knowledge, skills and experience meet the standard equivalent to that which is reasonably expected to be acquired through a CCST.
When you apply, you should ensure that you have evidence that can map across to the relevant specialty training curriculum outcomes. Applicants should also provide evidence of any relevant formal postgraduate qualification(s) that they may hold.
These routes may be suitable for applicants who have undertaken training subsequent to a university postgraduate (e.g. master's level) degree, with evidence of high quality research and teaching.
These routes may also be suitable for those applying on the basis that they have the skills, knowledge and experience in the specialty additional to that derived from clinical work.
How can I demonstrate my knowledge and experience in my application?
Your application should include documentary evidence of your academic or research work which relates to the specialty in question, and maps to the relevant specialty training learning outcomes. This may include:
- Evidence of any postgraduate qualifications work including certificates, an abstract of any thesis and a copy of the syllabus.
- Evidence of any supervised clinical practice which could include validated clinical logbooks, a portfolio of other achievements, course prospectuses and syllabuses, evidence of successful completion of training programmes and any completed work-based assessments, names and qualifications of training supervisors, and evidence of any general professional training prior to commencing work in the specialty.
- Details of research projects you have been involved in, details of grants awarded, abstracts of publications, names and addresses of supervisors, validated logs of clinical treatment undertaken as part of the research project, and outline(s) of your particular clinical or other responsibilities and the ways in which these are deployed, e.g. in specialised clinics or specialised laboratory or diagnostics services, and details of the duration of your involvement in the specific field of work.
Your application can be strengthened by including some or all of the following documents or information:
- Evidence of a passing mark in relevant membership or fellowship exam(s).
- At least two reference letters from senior colleagues who are registered and practising in the relevant specialty (for example, training or clinical supervisors,) testifying to your knowledge and experience in that specialty.
- If applicable, a validated logbook demonstrating your formal teaching experience, with evidence of teaching commitments.
- If applicable, evidence of any relevant academic study, including the dates of courses and qualifications, syllabuses and timetables demonstrating taught components of lectures, tutorials and assignments.
- Any other evidence demonstrating that you meet the requirements and competencies of a CCST.
These examples are not exhaustive, and you may submit any documentary evidence that you feel supports your application.
Please note that all submitted documentation must be in English. Any translated documentation must be translated according to the GDC's standards.
What guidance is available for the specialist assessment panel members?
The GDC's assessment team will seek expert advice and recommendations as to the eligibility of the candidate from a specialist assessment panel as appropriate.
Further details outlining the processes, policies, and responsibilities involved in assessing applications can be found in the general guidance for assessors.