The Council establishes a policy to maintain an appropriate level of financial reserves to protect the General Dental Council from a significant event or events which would have a substantial affect, such as a major loss of revenues or a sudden major increase in expenditure.
However, as our revenue comes mainly from statutory fees, we set the free reserves level having regard to:
- the objectives of Council in pursuit of our statutory and regulatory responsibilities
- funding working capital and management of day-to-day cash flows of the Council, where income is concentrated in summer and winter peaks
- risks to the income and expenditure of the Council
- planned major capital spending programmes.
The GDC aims to maintain the free reserves level at a level that is not excessive but does not put solvency at risk. Our policy it to maintain free reserves at a minimum of two and a half months of operating expenditure, as adjusted for our current assessment of financial risk, with a target of three months of operating expenditure by the end of the current strategic planning period.