
Registration and assessment requests released under the FOI Act

This page contains responses to requests for registration and assessment information released under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 disclosed in full or in part since 1 January 2018 which are of public interest and/or include information not otherwise available on the GDC's website. We have not included information that would breach the principles of the Data Protection Act (2018). 

Please be mindful that the data is correct as of the date of disclosure. Where responses are changed as a result of an internal review we will amend the log accordingly.

If you still cannot find the information that you require after searching the log please submit a new request .

For more information, you can download our disclosure and publication policy here

Updated: Mon, 15 Aug 2022

Datasets on the ethnicity of registered Dentists 2015-2022

Thank you for your request for information dated 13 February 2022 regarding the ethnicity of dentist registrants with the GDC between the years 2015-2022.

Updated: Mon, 15 Aug 2022

Datasets of Nationalities of internal candidates registering with the GDC in the last 12 months

You requested to know of the international candidates that registered with the GDC in the last 12 months, could you be provided with a list of the nationalities that were recruited and the number associated with that nationality.

Updated: Mon, 15 Aug 2022

Datasets regarding the ethnic breakdown of Dental Nurses in London 2015-2021

I write further to my email of 20 January 2022 acknowledging your request for information regarding the ethnicity of dental nurses in the London area.

Updated: Mon, 15 Aug 2022

Current GDC Endodontic Specialist list Registrants and their addresses

Thank you for your request for information dated 09 January 2022 to be provided with a list of current GDC endodontic specialists and their addresses.

Updated: Mon, 15 Aug 2022

Dataset re Dental Care Professional candiates sitting ORE January exam and failing

Thank you for your request for information dated 5 May 2022 of which you asked the following: In relation to the 55% of candidates who failed Part 2 of the Overseas Registration Examinations (ORE) in January 2022:

Updated: Mon, 15 Aug 2022

Datasets re Dental Nurses registered 2019-2022

Thank you for your request for information dated 07 January 2022 regarding the following information from 2019 to 2022:

Updated: Tue, 25 Jan 2022

Datasets on ethnicity of dentists practising in the UK 2013-2020

Following a Freedom of Information request for datasets on ethnicity of dentists practising in the UK from 2013 to 2020, the GDC provided the following response.

Updated: Tue, 25 Jan 2022

Datasets on registrants from and who qualified in Poland

Following a Freedom of Information request for datasets of registrants who have qualified in Poland, the GDC provided the following response.

Updated: Tue, 25 Jan 2022

Dataset regarding restoration to the register 2006-2021

Following a Freedom of Information request for the number of applicants restored to the register following erasure in the last 10 to 15 year period, the GDC provided the following response.