
How lay members help to shape the regulation of dental professionals

05 February, 2025 by Laura Simons

Who is the General Dental Council (GDC) and what do we do? 

If you’re not a dental professional and have no previous experience of healthcare regulation you may not have heard of the GDC, so here is a brief introduction to who we are and what we do. To find out more, check out our 'What we do' webpage, where you’ll find more detailed background information. 

The GDC is the UK-wide regulator of all members of the dental team. That includes dentists, dental nurses, dental therapists, dental hygienists, dental technicians, clinical dental technicians, and orthodontic therapists. At the end of 2024, we had over 46,000 dentists and 79,000 dental care professionals on our register. 

Our primary purpose is it to make sure that the public are protected and have confidence in the dental professionals we regulate. We do that in a number of ways: 

  • maintaining a register of dental professionals
  • setting the standards for dental education to make sure those coming on to our register are properly trained
  • setting the standards for professional conduct, performance and ethics
  • investigating concerns about a dental professional’s fitness to practise when they arise.

The role of Council is to oversee the running of the GDC, working together with the Executive team to set the strategic direction, agree the priorities and monitor spending and operations. We are not the people who do the day-to-day work, but we need to understand enough to fulfil our oversight responsibilities.  

Examples of the topics we’ve been looking at recently include: planned improvements in fitness to practise; a revision to our standards of education; approval of our budget and work programme for 2025; the implementation of our updated EDI strategy; the development a new people and culture programme; the approval of a new process for refugees who want to join the register; and contributing where we can to the debate about access to NHS dentistry. 

Being a lay member of Council 

I became a lay member of Council in 2020, at the height of the COVID pandemic, so it wasn’t the best time to take on a new role. In fact, it was over a year before I met any of my colleagues face-to-face. How things have changed!  

The Council now meets in person, both in public and in private, six times a year. In addition, we have a programme of board development that includes awaydays and other opportunities to get to know one another better and build a stronger sense of being a team. The mix of lay members and dental professionals works well, and we all learn so much from one another. 

From the outside, our governance may appear complex but the checks and balances provided by Council and its committees are important. Council members are required to sit on at least one of three committees, which meet regularly between Council meetings. I’m fortunate to have spent three years on the Remuneration and Nominations Committee and now sit on the Audit and Risk Committee. This has given me a wider and deeper understanding of the GDC, provided me with the opportunity to build relationships with different groups of staff, and enabled me to see how everything fits together.  

What do I get out of it? 

I joined the GDC with a background in communications and consumer affairs. I also have experience of sitting on a regulatory board and other non-executive roles. Each one has been very different. What I get from the GDC is a sense that I can apply my skills and experience at a strategic level, make a contribution that is valued and valuable, and help steer the organisation in the right direction. We have seen many positive changes at the GDC since I arrived over four years ago, and I like to think that I’ve played a part in helping some of them to come about.   

How to apply

If you’re interested in what we do and are currently considering applying for the role of Council member, I would strongly encourage you to do so. It’s a great opportunity to work with an interesting and diverse group of people and have a positive impact on the future of dental regulation. 

The application process closes at noon on 24 February.  To find out more about the role, including how to apply, please visit our recruitment partner’s website.  

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